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Kyocera has spent decades developing technologies that consistently deliver lower running costs than our competitors. Toner is not a “one size fits all” consumable and there is only one supplier who can deliver the quality, economy and reliability you expect when you purchase a Kyocera device.
Counterfeit toner is manufactured and packaged to look almost identical to an original Kyocera toner. However, the big difference comes in the quality, reliability and performance where counterfeit toners can't compete. Counterfeit toner is manufactured and sold illegally, which is why Kyocera is in close co-operation with customs and law enforcement agencies throughout the EMEA region to remove counterfeit products from the market.
Kyocera applies security features to its products to guarantee that customers know that they are using only the best products. The security hologram, in combination with a Handy Viewer, permits a secure product authentication. In addition, there is often unusually low pricing of counterfeits product, but what may look like a bargain can turn out to be very costly. In order to be certain that a product is genuine, it is always advisable to purchase through an authorised Kyocera dealer channel. Please contact your dealer for the latest information on the colour-shift when using the Handy Viewer and hologram combination.
Ultimately, it is a customer’s decision whether to use a Kyocera original toner or a non-original one. However, technical defects or other technical problems caused by using non-original toner will not be covered by Kyocera’s Manufacturer’s Warranty. Only use original Kyocera toners so that there are no limitations to your guarantee.
Kyocera toners can guarantee an environmentally friendly approach which fits with our philosophy.