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Paper-based ink signing is no longer an effective tool for document approval in today’s competitive digital business environment.
Electronic and digital signatures are a complete solution for document approval workflows, advanced digital signatures and document status tracking. It is designed to quickly optimise the way businesses deliver, review, approve and sign their business documents.
This is a high trusted solution aimed at organisations that require high trust, assurance and information security. Electronic and digitial signature solutions is ideal for those organisations that recognise the value of using cryptographic digital signatures to protect organisations, their users and their documents against unauthorised, accidental or fraudulent changes.
It provides intuitive “what you see is what you sign” web and mobile user interfaces. Electronic and digitial signature solutions offer enormous flexibility to be used within high trust solutions that require Advanced Electronic Signatures (AESign) or solutions requiring simpler digital signatures.
Electronic and digital signatures provides Legal enforceability, traceability & accountability by providing strong evidence that electronic documents are 100% protected and signed by a particular person at a specific date & time and without any document changes occurring.
Here are some examples of where they can be used.
The Kyocera electronic and digitial signature solution supports all three signature levels simultaneously – the right signature type to use for a particular document will depend on the underlying business need, transaction value or legal & regulatory requirements.