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If you have entered a correct email from our database, we will respond in 24 hours.
You can request a new account by submitting your details to your local sales centre. Upon approval, we will email you a temporary password.
At present, registered users are restricted to Partners and Employees of Kyocera Document Solutions South Africa. Please sign in to gain access to additional restricted files in the download centre. Should you have any queries, please contact us.
The workflow, life and trail of a document are more mobile than ever. Now that legislation around digitisation of document management is increasing, the legal sector is having to evolve and become increasingly sophisticated across soliciting, paralegal, insolvency, civil rights, banking, commercial, corporate, environmental, property and finance sectors.
With increased financial costs impacting demand for legal services, businesses operating in the industry are increasingly looking for ways to improve efficiency and cut costs by utilising the latest technology.
Using Kyocera'’s smarter technology will mean your data and documents will be more secure than ever. Our award-winning technologies work alongside best-in-breed software and bespoke applications to help you avoid losing valuable data and prevent unauthorised access. You can also ensure confidential documents don’t end up in the wrong hands. You can limit device access to particular users / departments and clearly identify key users.
Managed Document Solutions (MDS) improves the monitoring and protection of important/confidential data and documents by offering additional document security and keeping tighter control over printing jobs.
Increases productivity and employee motivation in your firm by implementing fast and effective document management processes to reduce the amount of time your staff spend on document retrieval and processing.
Delivers complete cost transparency and savings of up to 30% by reducing the use of consumables such as paper and toner, cutting energy costs and lowering service support costs.
With one point of contact, MDS saves you the hassle and manpower by taking on all maintenance and repair services for our own printers, as well as those of other manufacturers.
Improves your balance sheet both economically and ecologically, by consolidating hardware, using electronic data management and by delivering environmental sustainability through economic software application and ECOsys technology.